Integrated Independent Physicians Network (IP Network)

We are a physician owned and governed independent physician association (IPA), and are developing a clinically integrated network (CIN) to address value-based population health management initiatives.  The IP Network was founded to provide payers, employers and patients an alternative to high cost hospital services.

The IP Network’s founding principles encompass a more effective way to manage patients, improve patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and a more cost-effective delivery of healthcare.  When patients are managed in an independent environment, payers, employers, and consumers/patients save significant healthcare dollars.  This concept is the basis for population health management and value based care (shared savings) for the future of healthcare reimbursements.

If you are an independent physician and/or group, interested in taking back control of healthcare, you should consider joining the IP Network by contacting us today.

IP Network & One Pass Access are excited to introduce a “Cost Savings & Vendor Risk Management Program” for Physicians and Ancillary members.

The program will be administered through a partnership with One Pass Access providing our Physician & Ancillary members access to their Integrated Software Platform, Pre-Loaded Vendor Information, and Preferred Vendor Pricing.

The program is designed to address several components of out-going vendor products and services costs while ensuring that your vendor risk management requirements are being easily achieved.

Member’s Cost Savings Without Product Conversion

One Pass Access has specialty pricing for our members on products used daily to ensure you receive “the products and services you need at a price you deserve”.  The program will consist of additional Supply Chain Services for additional capital purchases or product evaluations.

Taking Vendor Risk Management Off  Your “To Do” List.

Vendor Compliance & Quality Management is a daunting task for everyone.  One Pass Access makes it easier to stay up to date with Vendor Compliance Requirements by providing the necessary Vendor Management Tools and Pre-Populated Vendor Information.

Supply Chain Services


Whether you are sourcing for capital equipment, daily medical or office supplies, or a new product/service; we are here when you need us to provide additional Supply Chain Resources.

Vendors, Suppliers, & Distributors

If you are currently a Vendor, Supplier, and/or Distributor used by an IHP Member or you would like to become one, please complete the vendor registration process by “Sign Up”.   If you are already a registered with One Pass Access, please login.